This is a database of created and curated challenges (not tutorials!) for practising creative coding with JavaScript and p5.js.

Each challenge contains various example solutions, a starting point (where helpful), variants, ideas for further work, links to related techniques and related challenges, and occasionally external tutorials or artworks. They are graded in difficulty and tagged with keywords.

You can read more About these p5.js challenges.

There are also a few linked simple here, but Taru Muhonen and Raphaƫl de Courville have curated a fantastic catalog of creative code algorithms and techniques.

The Challenges



Here are some practices and examples of smaller useful techniques, that you can apply into whatever sketch you're working on.

Most don't have screenshots sorry - you might want to change from "Default view" to "list view", at the top of the table.


Challenges with no implementation (Admin)

Rough ideas for more challenges (Admin)

Possible sources for more p5.js challenges

JavaScript Exercises

Data normalisation

work in progress - 99% of the solutions are only available through their challenge page, for now

Solutions to Main Challenges

About these p5.js challenges

Newest challenges (a filter)

In-progress Challenges